
Linda Eskin: Go You Fitness & Grab My Wrist—Aikido

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Newsletter News: If a Plan Isn't Working, Change It

Monday, 10 June 2024 This Week — A new approach to the Newsletter, and a lesson about struggling with fitness Linda Eskin — Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Coach, Martial Artist, and Author at Happy Monday, Reader! I hope you are doing well and getting outside for some active play in the spring weather. Newsletter News I have news about our newsletter: I'm taking a different approach. Instead of a "weekly-ish" newsletter, this will be for occasional project updates and...

Monday, 5 February 2024 This Week — New habits are hard, whether it's being consistently active, or writing a newsletter. D'oh! Linda Eskin — Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Coach, Martial Artist, and Author at Happy Monday, Reader! First, I hope you are doing well. Second, my apologies for going silent. First it was the holidays, then failing to get back into a regular rhythm. I've started out several times to write a full newsletter, with actual useful content, but, well,...

Text image: "One day, or day one? You decide."

Thursday, 30 November, 2023 This Week — Consistent physical activity and other healthy habits are important, even (especially?) when we don't feel like it. Linda Eskin — Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Coach, Martial Artist, and Author at Greetings, Reader! I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, if you celebrate it, and if not, I hope you had a fantastic (long, I hope) weekend. One of the things my family celebrated this past weekend was my dad's 89th birthday. He recently...

Friends training in a large class on a blue mat at Aikido of San Diego

Monday, 13 November, 2023 This Week — What gets you moving - a class, a schedule, an upcoming event? Also, remembering a friend. Linda Eskin — Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Coach, Martial Artist, and Author at Happy Monday, Reader! Boy, did I ever have a productive weekend! I got tons of chores done. I set up snug, heated cat houses in the garage for our four feral kittens. They come in most nights, especially now that it's getting cold. Did laundry, changed sheets,...

Charlie kitty spends cold winter days sleeping in a sunny spot near a south-facing window.

Wednesday, 8 November, 2023 This Week: time change, short days, off season, downtime, social connections, planning, habits, environment, winter activities Linda Eskin - Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Coach, Martial Artist, and Author at Happy Time Change Week, Reader! November already! Dang... Time for vanishing daylight, cold nights, and holiday obligations and celebrations. Lots of great reasons to give up on this whole fitness thing, curl up on the sofa with a good...

group of people sitting on green grass field during daytime

Monday, 30 October, 2023 (Have a happy Halloween!) This Week: Keep building habits and optimizing your environment to better support your goals. Linda Eskin - Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Coach, Martial Artist, and Author at Happy Monday, Reader! This newsletter is going to be a really short one! I had a problem with my eye that put me out of commission for a few days, so I'm way behind on anything that involved vision (like writing). More on that later, but I'm fine....

Charlie cat demonstrates proper use of a weight bench.

Monday, 23 October, 2023 This Week: Habit check-in, trends not streaks, creating a personal environment that better serves you. Linda Eskin — Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Coach, Martial Artist, and Author at Happy Monday, Reader! This week we're going to do some thinking about how our environments could better support us. And there's a fun new article on the website. But first... How are you doing with your habit(s)? I hope you had fun experimenting with growing habits...

A close photo of a mulch-covered forest floor in dappled sunlight. A shoot with two tiny green leaves is sprouting up through the mulch.

Monday, 16 October, 2023 This Week: Intro to community and website, creating healthy habits by starting small and progressing slowly Linda Eskin — Personal Trainer, Behavior Change Coach, Martial Artist, and Author at Happy Monday, Reader! This is our first-ever weekly newsletter. Thank you so much for being here from the beginning! Today we'll look at how to build strong and lasting habits by starting small. There's a habit-building challenge for the week, if you'd like to...